Jagas of Rajasthan

Jaga is a caste in Rajasthan, who hereditarily keeps the genealogical records of warrior communities like Meenas, Rajputs, Yaduvanshi Ahirs, and [1] Gurjars, Jats (e.g. see Kookana) [2]


  1. ^ The Jats: their role & contribution to the socio-economic life and polity of north & north-west India, Volume 3
  2. ^ http://books.google.co.in/books?ei=Bi2UTZ_JIc_rrQeUrLDjCw&ct=result&id=FGgMAQAAMAAJ&dq=abhira+afghanistan&q=abhiras
  • A History of Jaipur 1503-1938 by Jadunath Sarkar, edited by Raghubir Singh Published 1994, Orient Longman, ISBN 8125003339